Friday, December 08, 2006

Taco Bell is Illin' has the intense investigative insight to cover a story of shocking and far reaching implications. Taco Bell is making customers ill. Interest and concern peaked, I would like to contribute this additional information: Taco Bell has been making customers sick for about 30 years on a ratio approaching 1:1. This estimate could be considered somewhat generous as certain advertising campaigns have literally made 10s of millions feel like vomiting without ever setting foot in a 'restuarant' location. Remember Little Richard?

I thought that sickness was part of the Taco Bell allure, a side or condiment each dish is slathered in along with chemically generated hot sauce. Ingesting such a dangerous combination of fast food ingredients (cheap beans, greasy questionable meats, etc.) draws certain parallels to a type of gambler's rush.

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